Anoki's Lullaby

A little note: Anoki is a cougar character in a Muck I play occasionally, Mountain Valley Muck. There are cougars, wolves, foxes.. and tigers. The latter three live in tribes distinguished by their color, while the cougars are very much the loners of the Muck. Anoki is a black cougar. He's a twisted trickster with an overly polite manner and a smarmy smile. (Who does that remind you of?) He carries a huge grudge about his former home, and I said something about it in rhyme, and...

Anoki sings quietly to himself in his glade by the pond, joined by the crows who live in the thicket...

I'm the shadow in the forest old
The grey cloud in a bright blue sky
The trickster of the darkness cold
Who sings a deadly lullaby
I sing of a mountain wasteland
Where cougars lived as friends
But where one single orphan
Looked only to his own ends
I was merely a cub, but an odd one
Hate-filled darkness in my soul
They kept me alone with no one
They made me less than whole
I'm the shadow in the forest old
The grey cloud in a bright blue sky
The trickster of the darkness cold
Who sings a deadly lullaby
I was beaten, scorned, rejected
The one to hate and spurn
But one thing that they've neglected
To plan for is my return!
They think they've seen the last of me
That they've seen my back for good
They're right; the next they'll see of me
Is when I'm rolling in their own blood.
I'm the shadow in the forest old
The grey cloud in a bright blue sky
The trickster of the darkness cold
Who sings a deadly lullaby
I'll find out their fears and cave them to tears
Hear their cries as I watch them die
My revenge for the pain of all these years!
That's my lullaby!
I'm the shadow in the forest old
…He's a shadow…
The grey cloud in a bright blue sky
…A thundercloud…
The trickster of the darkness cold
…A trickster with a song
Who sings a deadly lullaby
to sing out loud…
I'm the shadow in the forest old
…Find out their fears!
The grey cloud in a bright blue sky
…Cave them to tears!
The trickster of the darkness cold
…Revenge for the years!…
And this song is my lullaby…
Who sings a deadly lullaby…

The End

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