R - Z Names

I regret to inform you that due to lack of time I have been unable to sort the following names into "boy-names" and "girl-names". Maybe sometime I shall get around to doing that, but in the mean-time, make up your own minds. Some, of course, are pretty obvious from their meanings...

Raban : RAY-ban : teutonic "raven"
Radella : RAH-del-lah : old english "elfin advisor"
Radhiya : rah-THEE-yah : african "agreeable"
Radinka : RAH-deen-kah : slavic "active"
Raghnailt : RIY-nilt : irish "advice"
Raine : RAYNE : germanic "advice"
Raisa : RAY-zah : old french "thinker"
Raizel : RAY-zel : hebrew "rose"
Ramya : RAHM-yah : hindu "beautiful, elegant"
Rance : RANS : french - kind of belgian marble
Randie : RAN-dee : old english "shield-wolf"
Rane : RAH-neh : norwegian "queen, pure"
Rani : RAH-nee : hindu "a queen"
Rashida : rah-SHEE-dah : african "righteous"
Rasine : RAY-seen : polish "a rose"
Ratri : RAH-tree : hindu "night"
Ravi : RAH-vee : hindu - name of sun god or "benevolent"
Ravid : RAH-veed : hebrew "wander"
Rayna : RAY-nah : hebrew "pure, clean"
Raynor : RAY-nor : germanic "counsel army"
Raziya : rah-ZEE-yah : african "agreeable"
Reese : REEHS : welsh "ardent one"
Reidun : RAYD-uhn : norwegian "nest-lovely"
Redwald : RED-wald : anglo-saxon "counsel power"
Renfred : REN-fred : germanic "might peace"
Reyhan : RAY-han : arabic "favored by the gods"
Rhett : RET : welsh "enthusiastic"
Riane : RHEE-an : gaelic "little king"
Richenda : ri-KEND-ah : germanic "ruling"
Rieuk : REE-ook : welsh "rashness"
Rihana : REE-an-uh : arabic "sweet basil"
Risa : REE-sah : latin "laughter"
Riva : REE-vah : french "shore"
Robi : ROH-bee : hungarian "shining with fame"
Roozani : roh-ZAH-nee : african "a prankster"
Rumer : ROO-mer : english "gypsy"
Runako : ROO-nah-koh : african "handsome"
Rune : ROON-ee : german "secret"
Ruskin : RUSK-in : french "red-haired one"
Ruy : REE : spanish "famous"
Ryanne : RHY-ahn : gaelic "little king"
Ryba : RIGH-bah : czechoslovakian "fish"
Rylan : RIGH-len : english "dweller at the rye land"

Sabiny : sah-BEE-nee : latin "from sabine"
Sabirah : sah-BEE-rah : arabic "patient"
Sabra : SAH-bruh : arabic "thorny cactus"
Sade : SHAR-day : nigerian "honor confers a crown"
Sadira : SAH-deer-ah : arabic "ostrich returning from water"
Saffi : SAH-fee : danish "wisdom"
Safiya : sah-FEE-yah : african "pure"
Sagara : sah-GAH-ruh : hindu "ocean"
Sahale : sah-HAH-leh : native american "above"
Sahen : SHAH-hen : hindu "falcon"
Saidah : sah-EE-dah : african "happy, fortunate"
Sakari : sah-KAH-ree : native american "sweet"
Sakinah : sah-KEE-nah : arabic "tranquility"
Sakti : SAHK-tee : hindu "energy, goodness"
Sakura : SAH-koo-rah : japanese "cherry blossoms"
Saloman : SAHL-oh-man : hebrew "peaceful"
Sandya : SAHN-dyah : hindu - name of a god "sunset time"
Saoirse : SEER-she : irish "freedom"
Saraid : SAH-rayd : celtic "excellent"
Sarisha : SAH-ree-shah : hindu "charming"
Sarngin : SAHRN-geen : hindu - name of god vishnu
Sarojin : sah-ROH-jeen : hindu "lotus-like"
Sashenka : SASH-ehn-kah : russian "defender and helper of mankind"
Satinka : sah-TEEN-kuh : native american "magic dancer"
Sauda : sah-OO-dah : african "dark beauty"
Savanna : SAH-van-nuh : spanish "open grassland"
Seif : SIGH-eef : arabic "sword of religion"
Senon : SEH-non : spanish "given life by zeus"
Sergio : SEHR-gee-oh : italian "attendant"
Seth : SETH : hebrew "appointed one"
Seung : SUNG : korean "successor, winning"
Severin : SEH-ver-in : english - river in england
Sevilin: SEH-vih-lin : turkish "beloved"
Shakira : SHAH-keer-ah : arabic "grateful"
Shammara : SHAH-mar-ah : arabic "he girded his loins"
Shana : SHAH-nah : hebrew "beautiful"
Shanata : SHAH-nah-tuh : hindu "peaceful"
Shantay : SHAN-tay : french "enchanted"
Shashi : SHAH-shee : hindu "moonbeam"
Shaylyn : SHAY-la : irish "hawk-like"
Shika : shee-KAH or SHEE-kah : japanese "deer"
Shoka : sHO-kah : african "axe"
Shoshana : SHOH-shah-nah : hebrew "rose"
Sibongile : SEE-bahn-gee-leh : african "thanks"
Siyahi : see-YAH-ee : african "screams"
Skyler : SKIGH-ler : scandinavian "projectile" / dutch "scholar"
Stasio : STAH-shyoh : polish "stand of glory"
Stoyan : STOY-en : bulgarian "to stay"
Strom : STRAHM : german "stream"
Solange : SOH-lahnj : french "rare jewel"
Soledad : so-leh-THATH : spanish "solitary" or "health"
Soterios : SOH-tayr-ee-ohs : greek "savior"
Sulaiman : soo-lah-e-MAHN : north african "peaceful"
Svetlana : SVET-lah-nah : russian "star"

Tabari : TAH-bah-ree : north african - famous muslim historian
Taci : TAH-shee : zuni indian "washtub"
Tacita : TAH-see-tuh : latin "to be silent"
Tadi : TAH-dee : omaha indian "wind"
Tahirah : tah-HEE-rah : arabic "chaste, pure"
Tai : TYE : north african "eagle"
Tainn : TAYN : native american "new moon"
Taipa : tah-EE-pah : miwok indian "to spread wings"
Tajo : TAH-hoh : spanish "day"
Taka : TAH-kah : japanese "tall, honorable"
Takara : tah-KAR-ah : japanese "treasure, precious object"
Takiyah : tah-KEE-yah : north african "pious, righteous"
Takoda : TA-koh-dah : native american "friend to all"
Talasi : TAH-lah-shee : hopi indian "corn-tassel flower"
Talos : TAY-lohs : greek "giant protector of minos island"
Tama : tah-MAH : native american "thunderbolt"
Tanaka : tah-NAH-kah : japanese "dweller"
Tancredi : tahn-CREED-ee : italian "strong thought"
Tanek : TAH-nek : polish "immortal"
Tarn : TARN : english "mountain-lake"
Tatyana : TAHT-e-yahn-ah : russian "fairy queen"
Taurin : TAW-rin : latin "born under sign of taurus"
Teffia : TAYF-ee-ah : irish "plough"
Tehya : TAY-yah : native american "precious"
Tekla : TEK-lah : greek "divine fame"
Temina : tah-MEE-nah : hebrew "honest"
Thadea : THAY-de-yuh : greek "courageous"
Thais : THAY-es : greek "the bond"
Thalassa : THAH-las-suh : greek "from the sea"
Thalia : THAYL-yah or TAHL-e-uh : greek "joyful, blooming"
Thana : THAH-nah : arabic "gratitude"
Thara : TA-hee-rah : arabic "wealth"
Thekla : TEK-lah : greek "divine fame"
Theone : THEE-oh-nee : greek "godly"
Thera : THAYR-uh : greek "the unmastered, wild"
Thyrza : THEER-zah : greek "wand"
Timandra : ti-MAN-druh : greek - daughter of hero tyndareus
Tiponya : ti-POHN-yah : miwok indian "owl poking the hatching egg"
Tivona : TI-voh-nuh : hebrew "lover of nature"
Tola : TOH-lah : polish "priceless"
Tora : TOHR-uh : norwegian "thunder"
Tori : TOHR-ee : japanese "bird"
Torin : TOHR-en : irish "chief"
Tovi : TOH-vee : hebrew "good"
Trevelyan : tray-VELL-yan : cornish "mill farmer"
Trind : TREEND : swedish "pure"
Troth : TRUTH : english "truth"
Tsalani : tsah-LAH-nee : african "farewell"
Tuathla : TOO-lah : irish "leader of the people"
Tuwalole : too-wah-loh-LEH : ghanese "exemplary"
Tyee : TIGH-ee : native american "chief"
Tyrone : tih-RONE : irish - county name

Udell : YOO-dehl : old english "yew-tree valley"
Uinseann : IN-san : irish "conquering"
Ula : OO-lah : celtic "sea jewel"
Ulani : OO-lah-nee : polysnesian "cheerful"
Unwin : UN-win : old english "not a friend"
Uria : oo-REE-uh : hebrew "light of the lord"
Uriana : YOOR-ee-ah-nah : greek "the unknown"
Urraca : yoo-RAH-sa : spanish "magpie"
Uuka : oo-OO-kah : african "arise"
Vala : VAYL-uh : old english "chosen"
Valborga : val-BORG-ah : scandinavian "protecting ruler"
Valda : VAHL-dah : old norse "spirited warrior"
Valeska : VAH-les-kah : polish "glorious ruler"
Vanda : VAHN-dah : slavic "wanderer"
Vanya : VAHN-yah : russian "gracious gift"
Vashti : VAHSH-tee : persian "beautiful"
Veda : VAY-dah : hindu "sacred knowledge"
Verena : vah-REE-nuh : teutonic "defender"
Velika : VEL-ee-kah : old slavic "great"
Vesta : VES-tah : latin "guardian of the sacred fire"
Vevila : VEH-vee-lah : welsh "woman with a melodious voice"
Vidonia : vi-DOH-nee-uh : latin "vine branch"
Vipunga : vee-PUN-gah : north african "hawk"
Viridis : VEER-i-dihs : latin "youthful and blooming"
Vitalis : VY-tal-is : latin "lively"
Viveka : VIH-vek-ah : german "little woman"
Viza : VEE-za : african "badness"
Vrinda : VREEN-dah : hindu "divine virtue and strength"
Vuai : voo-AH-ee : african "savior"

Wade : WAYD : anglo-saxon "dweller by the ford"
Wajanja : wah-JAHN-jah : african "sly person"
Wakanda : wa-KAHN-duh : sioux indian "inner magical power"
Walden : WAHL-den : teutonic "mighty"
Waldeve : WAL-deve : anglo-saxon "rule thief"
Walker : WALK-er : english "one who thickens cloth"
Wambui : wah-MBOH-ee : african "singer of songs"
Wamukota : WAH-moo-koh-tah : north african "left-handed"
Waneta : WAH-ne-tah : native american "charger"
Wapeka : WAH-pee-kah : native american "skillful"
Wenonah : wen-OWN-ah : santee "first born"
Winda : WEEN-dah : swahili "hunt"
Wigram : WIHG-ram : anglo-saxon "battle raven"
Wijdan : widj-DAHN : arabic "ecstacy"
Winema : WIH-nee-mah : native american "female chief"
Winola : wih-NOH-luh : teutonic "gracious friend"
Winthrop : WIHN-throp : anglo-saxon "friend village"
Winwood : WIHN-wood : anglo-saxon "friend wood"
Worth : WURTH : english "esteem"
Wyndham : WIND-ham : anglo-saxon "windy settlement"
Wystan : WEES-tahn : anglo saxon "battle stone"

Xanthippe : ZAN-teep : greek "yellow mare"
Xaviera : ZAH-veer-ah : arabic "brilliant"
Xenos : ZEN-os : greek "stranger"
Ximen : ZEE-mehn : spanish "obedient"
Ximena : zi-MEE-nah : spanish "unknown"
Xylia : ZIGH-lee-ah : greek "wood dweller"
Xylona : ZIGH-loh-nuh : greek "from the forest"
Yachne : YAK-nee : hebrew "gracious"
Yafeu : yah-FEH-oh : african "bold"
Yakecan : YAH-keh-shen : dene indian "sky" or "song"
Yale : YAYL : german "one who pays or produces"
Yardley : YARD-lee : english "from the enclosed meadow"
Yarin : yah-REEN : hebrew "to understand"
Yarmilla : YAHR-mil-lah : slavic "merchant"
Yejide : yeh-jee-DEH : african "the image of her mother"
Yenene : yeh-NAY-neh : miwok indian "wizard poisoning a sleeping person"
Yerik : YAY-rik : russian "appointed"
Yervant : yehr-VAHNT : armenian - name of an armenian king
Yeva : YEH-vah : russian "life-giving"
Ynyr : EEN-er : welsh "honour"
Yoko : YOH-koh : japanese "positive child" or "female"
Yovela : YOH-vel-ah : hebrew "rejoicing"
Yuri : YOO-ree : russian "land-holder"

Zada : ZAY-duh : syrian "lucky one"
Zahabu : zah-HAH-boo : african "the golden one"
Zahara : ZAH-rah or zah-HAR-uh : swahili "flower"
Zahirah : zah-HEE-rah : arabic "shining, luminous"
Zahra : zah-RAH : arabic "white"
Zaide : ZAH-ee-deh : yiddish "elder"
Zainabu : zah-ee-NAH-boo : ghanese "beautiful"
Zakiya : zah-KEE-yah : african "intelligent"
Zalika : zah-LEE-kah : african "well born"
Zaltana : zahl-TAH-nah : native american "high mountain"
Zane : ZAYN : hebrew "gracious gift"
Zared : ZAYR-ed : hebrew "brook"
Zarek : ZAH-rek : greek "may the gods protect the king"
Zawadi : zah-WAH-dee : african "gift"
Zenobia : ZE-noh-be-uh : greek "given life by zeus"
Zenon : seh-NOHN : spanish "living"
Zerlinda : ZER-lin-dah : hebrew "beautiful dawn"
Zeva : ZEE-vah : greek "sword"
Zia : TSEE-ah : native american "not known"
Ziazan : ZEE-uh-zahn : armenian "rainbow"
Zigana : ZIH-gah-nah : hungarian "gypsy girl"
Zikomo : zee-KOH-moh : african "thank you"
Zila : ZEE-lah : hebrew "shadow"
Zion : ZIGH-un : hebrew "a sign, excellent"
Ziraili : zih-RAH-ee-lee : african - angel of death
Ziva : ZEE-vah : hebrew "aglow"
Ziven : ZEE-ven : slavic "vigorous and alive"
Zulieka : zu-LEE-kah : persian "brightness"
Zuwena : zoo-WEH-nah : african "good"
Zuzanny : ZHOO-zah-nee : hebrew "lily"